Alain Conrard est le CEO de Prodware Group et le Président de la Commission Digitale et Innovation du Mouvement des ETI (METI).
Innover ! est son premier livre aux éditions Cent Mille Milliards.
Alain Conrard est le CEO de Prodware Group et le Président de la Commission Digitale et Innovation du Mouvement des ETI (METI).
Innover ! est son premier livre aux éditions Cent Mille Milliards.
Alain Conrard
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Innovation, interruption, disruption: change is, paradoxically, the only constant in today’s world. Innovation affects all aspects of our lives today. It definitely drives the strategy of companies. It is also the key to prosperity in the world.
Innovation, interruption, disruption: change is, paradoxically, the only constant in today’s world. Innovation affects all aspects of our lives today. It definitely drives the strategy of companies. It is also the key to prosperity in the world.
Such a context calls for a drastic change in perspective allowing for a show of clear discernment in letting go of the past. Engaging in such a move forward implies overcoming a certain number of roadblocks be they psychological, organizational, technological, financial or economic. Taking the plunge! A different take on innovation clearly demonstrates that what lies behind these obstacles are massive potentialities and that they are within everyone’s reach.
At a time when a new world is surfacing in which the human being may gradually be shut out by the dizzying advancement of innovative technologies, robots and machines, Alain Conrard sheds new light on innovation by placing the human being at the heart of the innovation dynamic. He addresses the political, moral and sometimes philosophical dimensions of innovation bringing a new outlook on the subject. Innovation in reality is a grand improvement endeavour that stretches beyond economic and technological considerations that now pervades societal and environmental concerns. And so, sustainable innovation can only make sense if it benefits everyone.
The book also exists in French: Osons !
Alain Conrard est le CEO de Prodware Group et le Président de la Commission Digitale et Innovation du Mouvement des ETI (METI).
Innover ! est son premier livre aux éditions Cent Mille Milliards.